3 min.
with video

Café Marocchino

A fantastic combination!

The perfect recipe to warm your heart and brighten your morning.

You will need:

  • 1 shot of Espresso
  • 1 piece of chocolate
  • Milk foam
  • Cocoa powder


  1. Heat a piece of chocolate until it melts. Swirl the melted chocolate inside the glass to coat its inner walls. Keep the layer thin to balance the flavors and avoid an overly sweet result.
  2. Prepare your espresso separately.
  3. Froth the milk manually or with the Black&White4 CTS Airsteam function to create a creamy foam that gives the Marocchino its signature texture.
  4. Pour the espresso into the glass coated with chocolate, then top it with the milk foam.
  5. Sprinkle cocoa powder over the foam or add a creative drizzle of chocolate sauce for an extra flair.

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