Coffee Settings course

Learn the barista trade

In our 2-day course, we introduce participants to the basics of coffee know-how. Starting with the origin, botany, processing and production chain of coffee, you will learn step by step how to prepare a wide variety of coffee drinks and how to clean and care for the equipment correctly. The entire course is accompanied by practical exercises, including cuppings, tastings, setting up the grinder on the Thermoplan machine and sensory analysis.

On the second day, you will gain an insight into the importance of water quality and the differences between various milk types and alternatives. We will then show you how to make creamy milk foam with the Black&White4 Competizione. Then we will try our hand at the first latte art motifs. Finally, all participants will take a barista exam and, if they pass, will receive the Thermoplan Coffee Academy barista certificate.

The course is held exclusively on the Black&White4 Competizione, the official machine of the WLAC Latte Art World Championships.


Coffee lovers with a thirst for knowledge who want to delve deeper into the world of coffee
max. 4 participants


Acquire in-depth know-how about coffee and be able to use this for professional coffee preparation on a Thermoplan machine. Previous knowledge is an advantage, but not necessary. Completion: Barista certificate from the Thermoplan Coffee Academy

Duration & location
Duration & location

Thermoplan Coffee Academy, Weggis
2 days, 08.30 to 16.00 each day


CHF 600 per person
(incl. lunch)


Black&White4 Competizione, the official machine of the WLAC Latte Art World Championships

Course language
Course language

German, English on request

Register now!

Melden Sie sich hier für den gewünschten Kurs an. Unsere Coffee Academy bestätigt Ihnen die Anmeldung im Anschluss.

Course dates *
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