Introduction to coffee

Entry into the world of coffee

In our course, we discover the world of coffee together. Starting with some theory about the origins, botany, processing and production chain of coffee, we will then introduce you to coffee sensory analysis. We test various beverage preparation and alternative brewing methods.


Coffee novices and curious coffee drinkers
max. 6 participants




Learn the basics of coffee, preparation and sensory analysis. No previous knowledge necessary

Duration & location
Duration & location

Thermoplan Coffee Academy, Weggis
2.5 hours, 17:00 to 19:30


CHF 100 per person
(incl. snacks)


Black&White4 Competizione and alternative brewing methods

Course language
Course language

German, English on request

Register now!

Melden Sie sich hier für den gewünschten Kurs an. Unsere Coffee Academy bestätigt Ihnen die Anmeldung im Anschluss.

Course dates *
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