Latte art course

First steps to becoming a latte artist

In this 3-hour intensive course, you will learn important basics about milk types and alternatives, manual milk frothing to the correct temperature and the perfect froth consistency. We will then try our hand at the first latte art motifs such as heart, tulip and rosetta. Experienced participants can improve their pouring technique and hone their skills with tips and tricks.

The course is held exclusively on the Black&White4 Competizione, the official machine of the WLAC Latte Art World Championships.


Home baristas and aspiring latte artists who want to develop or improve their skills
max. 4 participants


Learn the correct milk foaming technique and the optimum pouring technique for latte art. Previous knowledge is an advantage, but not necessary. Completion: Course certificate from the Thermoplan Coffee Academy

Duration & location
Duration & location

Thermoplan Coffee Academy, Weggis
3 hours, 09:00 to 12:00 or 13:00 to 16:00


CHF 200 per person
(incl. snacks)


Black&White4 Competizione, the official machine of the WLAC Latte Art World Championships

Course language
Course language

German, English on request

Register now!

Melden Sie sich hier für den gewünschten Kurs an. Unsere Coffee Academy bestätigt Ihnen die Anmeldung im Anschluss.

Course dates *
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