
Alshaya Technical becomes Master Distributor in the MENA region

Thermoplan AG announces the cooperation with Alshaya Group as authorised Master Distributor for the MENA region.

Thermoplan AG announces Alshaya Group as the authorised Master Distributor for the MENA region. This step is intended to strengthen the service network throughout Middle East and North Africa, to ensure a solid transfer of knowledge, and to further improve trainings on fully automatic coffee machines. As the official Master Distributor, Alshaya is positioning itself even more strongly as the main source for the Black&White line in MENA in the future.

“We are proud to have Alshaya Group as a strong partner in the MENA region. The Master Distributor certification is not only an official recognition of Alshaya's performance and top customer service but is also a sign that together, we want to offer end-customers the best coffee experience,” stated Adrian Steiner, CEO of Thermoplan. 

Regularly trained and certified by international equipment manufacturer partners, Alshaya Technical’s team ensure their B2B customers receive the same exceptional service standard, wherever they operate. Thermoplan certifies all of the Alshaya technicians through a programme of training the team directly at the factory in Switzerland, and in the market. 

The Alshaya Group is a dynamic family-owned enterprise, first established in Kuwait in 1890. With a consistent record of growth and innovation, Alshaya Group is one of the world’s leading brand franchise operators, offering an unparalleled choice of well-loved international brands to customers.

Alshaya Technical becomes Master Distributor in the MENA region
Alshaya Technical becomes Master Distributor in the MENA region
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