
Great enthusiasm at Internorga 2023

The leading international trade fair for the entire out-of-home market got off to a successful start with numerous new formats and convinced as a platform for exchange and inspiration.

The theme of this year's INTERNORGA, "All together", could not have been chosen more appropriately: The hotel industry, gastronomy and the bakery and confectionery guilds came together for the industry's top themes in the packed Hamburg exhibition halls. The leading international trade fair for the entire out-of-home market got off to a successful start with numerous new formats and convinced as an impulse generator and platform for exchange, inspiration and new trends.

During five days, well-known industry leaders met with newcomers as well as restaurateurs and hospitality insiders at the Hamburg exhibition centre and discussed the latest trends and innovative solutions at numerous networking events. This year's trend areas were "Digital Applications" and "Packaging & Delivery".

One focus at the Thermoplan Germany booth was on solutions for even more sustainability and for processing milk alternatives. Coffee enjoyment and sustainability were combined and presented with technologies for processing several types of milk. A two-milk solution in the Black&White4 CTM, in which two milk containers were placed, processed cow's milk and a milk alternative into coffee specialities and high-quality premium foam at the touch of a button. With the Black&White4 CTMplus, a machine was also presented that prepares milk alternatives at barista level via the integrated multifunctional milk lance. Of course, the Black&White4 neo, the telemetry system "ThermoplanConnect" and other modules were also exhibited, which attracted many visitors to the booth and created great enthusiasm.

Great enthusiasm at Internorga 2023
Great enthusiasm at Internorga 2023
Great enthusiasm at Internorga 2023
Great enthusiasm at Internorga 2023
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