
Science Based Target Initiative confirms climate targets of Thermoplan AG

Thermoplan AG has had its emission reduction targets recognized by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), founded in 2015, is a cooperation between various international organizations. In addition to Thermoplan AG, more than 1,400 companies have joined the initiative for net-zero emissions and have set themselves scientifically based climate targets. Thermoplan's goal of achieving net-zero emissions along the entire value chain (Scope 1-3) by 2050 was also recognized by SBTi.

"The confirmation of our targets by the Science Based Targets initiative highlights our commitment to transparent and responsible implementation of our sustainability efforts," says Adrian Steiner, CEO of Thermoplan AG.

In order to create incentives for the implementation of these measures to reduce climate emissions, a so-called CO2 fund has been established. For high-emission activities, such as air travel, internal compensation payments must be made. The monetary surplus is then used for activities in the area of sustainability. For example, 25 electric charging stations were installed at the Weggis site at the beginning of July.

More information on the Science Based Targets initiative can be found here: https://sciencebasedtargets.org/


Science Based Target Initiative confirms climate targets of Thermoplan AG
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