
Unique in facts and figures

Many milestones have already been reached, some are still to come. Time for a few facts and figures.

In June 2024, the new Plant 5, which also bears the name unique, is to be opened and from then on will serve as another office and production building for Thermoplan. Many milestones have already been reached, and some are still to come. Time for a few Facts&Figures:

Demolition of Plant 1:
Not so long ago, Plant 1 stood in place of the excavation pit for the new building, which was home not only to our canteen, but also to offices and production rooms. Plant 1 was successively dismantled within 2,175 working hours until November 2021. Around 90% of the materials have now been recycled. 

Excavation - Küttel AG:
4,000 truck trips and 4,975 working hours were required to complete the excavation of the plant. In total, the Küttel AG workforce excavated 50'200 m3 of material. From this, a remarkable 3'750 m3 of seepage gravel could be produced, which is now again used on the unique construction site as backfill material between the building and the gunite wall. We rewarded the employees for the many strenuous hours of work with a total of 2,400 coffees. 

Securing - Gasser AG:
The subsoil of the excavation pit consists of rock from the Rigi, which was covered with loose material of sand and gravel. This meant that blasting had to be carried out by Gasser AG. 750 kg of explosives with 370 electric detonators were used. In addition, 3,600 nails and anchors and 720 m3 of shotcrete were used to secure the excavation. 

Waterproofing - Sika AG:
To protect the unique building from the rising groundwater, the subsoil was additionally covered with a 2'000 m2 protective foil. 

Shell construction - Christen AG:
Plant 5 is currently in the shell construction phase, which is being realised by Christen AG. The foundation has already been finalised. For this, 2'656 m3 of concrete and 290 tons of iron were used. A total of 350 lorry journeys were necessary for this important step. 

Step by step, things are now moving upwards, and the entire building shell will be completed by March 2023.

Unique in facts and figures
Unique in facts and figures
Unique in facts and figures
Unique in facts and figures
Unique in facts and figures
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