
Ready, set, go... our first production in the new building unique has been set up!

The new building will be officially opened in the week of 17 June 2024.

However, production will already start on 6 June. From then on, the first production line, that of the Black&White4 compact, will be moved to the new plant.

The floors are currently being marked in the new production halls and the new tables, which have been delivered since last week, are gradually being installed in their respective places. As we are doubling our production capacity in the new building from 150 to 300 appliances per week, more workstations will be set up accordingly. Half of the workstations are already being set up. This will enable us to produce 150 machines per week at the beginning of June. As soon as production has started in the new plant, the tools and work materials will gradually be moved from the existing Plant 3 to the unique plant and the second half of the workbenches will be set up. As a result, our production will continue seamlessly and we will be able to manufacture as many as 300 Black&White4 compact devices per week from June. So things are progressing in leaps and bounds!

Our employees are our greatest and most important strength. To ensure that they do not suffer any physical discomfort in their daily work, we attach great importance to a sustainably healthy way of working. That's why we provide ergonomic workstations that meet the latest standards. For example, height-adjustable tables and materials and tools adapted to the needs of employees contribute to this. The work tables for the new production facility at unique are delivered to Weggis pre-assembled by FMS-Technik AG.

As with our previous production lines, the new production line is also designed to be clever and time-saving. As all our appliances are modular, the production lines are particularly easy to subdivide. Production starts with the construction of the chassis, moves on to the hydraulic and mechanical modules, through to the accessories and finally to final assembly, where the entire machine is put together. During the final test, each machine is put through its paces. Only then is it packed and prepared for dispatch.

Conveyor technology
Digital and fully automatic. Our fully automatic conveyor technology from TGW also contributes to a time-saving and ergonomic work process, which collects the required individual parts directly from our shuttle warehouse via conveyor belt. Our fully automatic and mobile robots SAM, SAMY and AMY deliver the parts the last few meters to the respective workstations in production. They can even drive lifts on their own!

Ready, set, go... our first production in the new building unique has been set up!
Ready, set, go... our first production in the new building unique has been set up!
Ready, set, go... our first production in the new building unique has been set up!
Ready, set, go... our first production in the new building unique has been set up!
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