
uniqueBean – A social project in Ethiopia

2024 is a special year for Thermoplan. Together, we are celebrating our 50th anniversary and the opening of our new building unique.

To mark these two major milestones, we have launched uniqueBean, a social project in Ethiopia. As a family business, it is close to our hearts to give something back to society and help those who do not have the same opportunities as we do. 

Therefore, we have made it our goal to help the people in the Bale region and the capital city of Addis Ababa achieve a more stable livelihood. We aim to lend a hand in enabling a community to chart its own course and stride confidently along its chosen path. We are supported by Caritas Switzerland, which has been working in Ethiopia for 50 years. Thanks to their expertise, our heart's desire quickly became a reality. 

We are passionate about coffee, we love and live coffee (machines). That is why coffee is at the centre of this project. Ethiopia is the country of origin of this wonderful product, which we enjoy every day, and is one of the world's most important coffee-growing regions. 

Our vision is to empower communities in the Bale region through sustainable coffee cultivation by offering them diverse sources of income. In doing so, we utilise our many years of experience to bring about long-term positive change in the lives of these people. 

We are also endeavouring to use our expertise in various projects in the Ethiopian capital city Addis Abeba. By creating training opportunities in the coffee sector, we aim to counteract the high level of youth unemployment and create new prospects. 

We look forward to you joining us on this wonderful journey! 

For more information about uniqueBean and the individual sub-projects click here:

uniqueBean – A social project in Ethiopia
uniqueBean – A social project in Ethiopia
uniqueBean – A social project in Ethiopia
uniqueBean – A social project in Ethiopia
uniqueBean – A social project in Ethiopia
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