
Ready, Set, Go! – uniqueBean project officially approved

Great news! The Ethiopian government has officially approved the uniqueBean project, giving us the green light to proceed. Now the real work begins!

Earlier this year, in celebration of its 50th anniversary, Thermoplan launched the uniqueBean project. In collaboration with Caritas Switzerland, an organization with 50 years of experience in social initiatives in Ethiopia, uniqueBean aims to create a brighter future for coffee. The project focuses on various sub-initiatives in the capital Addis Ababa and the Bale region, with a particular emphasis on promoting sustainable coffee farming. Additionally, it plans to offer training programs in the coffee sector to tackle the country’s high youth unemployment rate.  

During the wait for official approval, Caritas Switzerland assembled a skilled and experienced local team. This team includes a project leader, project manager, and field coordinators, all with extensive backgrounds in coffee-related work and social initiatives. 

With the Ethiopian government’s approval now in place, the team can commence its on-the-ground efforts. The project is designed to span at least four years, meaning some measures will be implemented sooner than others. Caritas Switzerland will provide regular, detailed updates on progress and current developments. After Thermoplan’s project team visited the project areas in Ethiopia last May, plans for the second trip in the coming spring are already underway. 

To ensure efficient project implementation, climate experts conducted preliminary analyses. These were essential to guarantee that coffee farming on the plantations remains viable and is not adversely affected by climate change. The results are promising: the outlook for coffee cultivation in Bale is less alarming than anticipated. The next step will take place in December, when specific climate-related topics will be discussed directly with the affected coffee farming families. This exchange will allow the local population to share their valuable on-the-ground experiences, providing practical insights. 

We are thrilled that uniqueBean has finally received approval, paving the way for implementation. A special thanks goes to Caritas Switzerland for their outstanding support and trust. This success would not have been possible without their close collaboration and tireless commitment. 

We look forward to getting started with all those involved and making a significant contribution to a sustainable future for coffee in Ethiopia! 

Support Thermoplan and Caritas with a donation and actively contribute to fostering a sustainable coffee future in Ethiopia! 

Ready, Set, Go! – uniqueBean project officially approved
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