
Our new building for the future

unique is the name of our new buiding. It is symbolic of the strong involvement of all participants from the start of the project in order to achieve the best possible success together. The name also reflects our openness to new technologies and our focus on sustainability. In Switzerland, this type of construction and methodology is not yet standard.

Our home base

Proud of the location Switzerland

We believe in Switzerland as an industrial and production location. In Weggis, Thermoplan has its roots and is at home in the world. In addition, the municipality of Weggis offers us a beautiful location for a company headquarters, nestled in a fabulous mountain & lake landscape. This is where we want to stay.

4 turns to 5

We create space

unique is already our fifth plant. Industry growth and the increasing global demand for Thermoplan coffee machines have brought us to the limits of our capacity. With unique, we now have six additional, integrated production areas, further logistics facilities and office space.

Engineers test the technology of a coffee machine

Swiss know-how

Having something unique

Our pride and joy are our highly trained talents, whom we are proud to employ for the Research & Development, Assembly and Sales of our high-quality coffee machines at our Weggis site. It is a matter close to our heart to further develop our headquarters and at the same time to be able to offer our loyal and dedicated employees a progressive environment.


More about newbuilding unique

unique News from Thermoplan

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