
People. Planet. Product.

The enjoyment of premium coffee and producing highest-quality fully-automatic coffee machines is a luxury. A privilege that may connect people, create special moments and, ultimately, create jobs. Thermoplan is doing its part to ensure that future generations will also be able to enjoy these same privileges. Building on three pillars, we are respectful towards each other, optimise and reduce resources where appropriate, and improve our products for the benefit of our customers and the environment with the help of latest technologies. This way, we learn a lesson every day to keep our footprint on earth as small as possible.

Sustainability report with product life cycle coffee machine


We are committed to the health and safety of our employees as well as fair relationships with our partners.

Promoting employee health and safety as a top priority

Focus on long-term regional supplier partnerships

Commitment to partners on fair social and environmental conditions throughout the supply chain

Thermoplan employees

Impact projects people

Black fully automatic coffee machine with sustainability icons


We are committed to the responsible use of resources and the circular economy.

Reduction of waste to a minimum 

Maximum efficiency in coffee extraction 

Continuous increase in energy efficiency across all machines 

Enabling the circular economy through ecodesign 

Reduction in supply chain by 50% by 2030 

Reduction of machine wastewater consumption by 50% by 2030 

Impact projects products


As a Swiss innovation company, we will achieve net zero emissions along the entire value chain (Scope 1-3) by 2050.

Reduction by 50% by 2030 (Scope 1-3) as an interim target

Electricity and heat
Production with 100% renewable energy since 2022

Optimisation in terms of CO2-free transports 

Focus on environmentally friendly transport for employees

Reduction of operational usage by 50% by 2030

Maximise recycling

Thermoplan building with Planet

Impact projects planet



First modular coffee machine
The first modular coffee machine has been launched, allowing components to be replaced easily and quickly. Modularity promotes the long-term durability of our machines and makes service more efficient. Modularity is the basis for a sustainable circular economy.


ISO 14001/OHSAS 18001 certification
Thermoplan AG received its first ISO 14001/OHSAS 18001 certification, demonstrating its commitment to effective environmental management and safe working conditions.


Thermoplan training fund
The establishment of the Thermoplan Training Fund supports our own employees in their development.


Shuttle packs with suppliers
The introduction of shuttle packs with suppliers improved logistics and minimised packaging waste and the associated environmental impact.

Photovoltaic system on warehouse building

PV system on the warehouse
The installation of a photovoltaic system on our shuttle warehouse enables us to cover approx. 10% of our energy requirements with solar energy.

Black&White4 neo fully automatic coffee machine on a black table

Black&White neo launched with new heating technology without standby power
With the launch of the Black&White4 neo CT, we have implemented a heating technology without standby power, which significantly reduces energy consumption.

Foundation of the Technology Innovation Center. Technology research on energy-efficient solutions, among other things
With the establishment of the Technology & Innovation Centre, we have the opportunity to drive forward the development of energy-efficient solutions in order to significantly reduce the emissions of our products.


Change from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001
We have moved from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to a safe and healthy working environment.

First Life Cycle Assessment and Product Life Cycle Assessment
We have completed our first operational and product life cycle assessment to evaluate and minimise the environmental impact of our activities and products.


Conversion to an inbound supplier
Switching to an inbound forwarder for Swiss suppliers can reduce truck journeys and encourage a shift to rail.

CO2 fund on air travel
We have set up a CO2 fund on air travel to internally offset emissions caused by business travel.

25 e-charging stations for employees with free charging facilities
Through the CO2 fund, 25 charging stations were financed and are available for our employees to use free of charge. In this way, we promote new mobility solutions and reduce the footprint of our employees' mobility.

100% renewable energy
We are committed to using 100% renewable energy to reduce our impact on the environment. Our electricity comes from hydropower and our heat from the nearby wood chip plant.

Net zero targets with SBTI membership
We have joined the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) and set ourselves the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 in order to make our contribution to climate protection.

Product Environmental Report
We have published our first Product Environmental Report, which transparently shows the climate impact of our products. To the report.

Code of conduct with our suppliers
We have developed a Code of Conduct to define our ethical standards and values with our suppliers.

2550 hours for the social day
We have started an initiative where all employees can dedicate one day of their working time to social projects. A total of 2550 hours were spent on this in 2022.

Pre-assembly team
With the establishment of the pre-assembly team, the needs of the employees can be addressed in the event of a change in workload and their participation in the work process can be ensured with targeted measures.


Standby on the Black&White line
Our Black&White machines have been given a standby which switches the machine off after cleaning.

Internal sustainability report

Installation of LED throughout the production


Expansion of the PV system on plant 2 and 3

Occupation of the new building unique according to LEED certification


50% emission reduction based on the base year 2019


Zero Emission

Sustainability news from Thermoplan

Am GertenwegBaumaschinenmechaniker/inBrunnenbohrungenDeckensegel AkustikDigital-Signage: Ihre Lösung aus einer Hand für intelligente Business-DisplaysEinbauschrank nach Mass für GenerationenErdsondenbohrungenFiLine - OnlineshopFitLine,Powercocktail,RestorateFrostschutzeinspülungGrundbauer/inHochwertige Produkte für Gesundheit, Fitness und SchönheitHolzbau InnenausbauHolzbau WohnungsbauInfrarotkabine PuraBagnoKüchenbau nach MassLeuchten und LeuchtsystemeMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungPhotovoltaikanlagePhotovoltaikanlage, SolartechnikSonderverlängerungenTextilpflege, Hemden-Service, Chemische ReinigungWebagentur Luzern SurseeWebagentur Luzern, SurseeZahnärzte Kalt & Willi