
Mindful use of food in the cantine

Avoiding waste and saving money with clever food planning

In addition to catering for Thermoplan employees, the canteen team has set itself a new goal: reducing waste and wasted food. All waste is recorded, for example from overproduction or returned by employees. The aim is to raise awareness of the issue of waste reduction, because people still underestimate how much food ends up in the bin in the canteen every day.
Since statistics on saved and discarded food have been displayed in the canteen and people can scoop their own food again, waste has already decreased significantly.

In practice

  • Data basis as success for the reduction of food waste

Facts & figures

  • 20% less overproduction in 2023 compared to the same period in the previous year (February 2022)
  • Goal: Raise awareness for waste reduction
Mindful use of food in the cantine
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