
Upcycling Coffee Sacks

Another Step Towards Sustainable Materials

Together with the IWK Institute of the FH Ost and inspire AG, we have achieved a real innovation as part of an Innobooster project of Innosuisse: we have successfully recycled coffee sacks 100% and turned them into new, fiber-reinforced components — without adding any plastics. This is a significant milestone for the circular economy and proof that sustainable solutions are possible. 

Why is this special? 
Coffee sacks are typically made from a challenging material mix: a composite of polyethylene (PE) and aluminium. This construction makes them durable, lightweight, and protective for coffee, but also extremely difficult to recycle. Such packaging often ends up in landfills or incineration, as there have been few effective ways to reuse them. 

However, with an innovative manufacturing process, we were able to tackle this challenge. Instead of discarding the sacks, we transformed them into high-quality components, creating drink holders. In doing so, we have given this so-called waste material a second life while saving valuable resources. 

A Contribution to the Circular Economy 
Through this project, we aim to show that sustainable innovation is possible—even with materials that seem hard to recycle. New manufacturing processes like this help close the material loop, reduce waste, and alleviate the strain on the environment. Every step counts, and even small innovations like this can make a big impact. 

Upcycling Coffee Sacks
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