8 min.

Coffee preparation with pressure

Perfect espresso with portafilter and fully automatic machine

In the last blog post, we introduced you to various preparation methods without pressure, such as the French press, in which hot water is poured over the coffee, or the method for making cold brew. In this article, we will now focus on coffee preparation with pressure. It is one of the most popular methods for making a perfect espresso. The right pressure plays a crucial role in extracting the full aroma from the ground coffee. Whether using a portafilter machine or a fully automatic machine, both systems have their own advantages. In this article, we take a look at the different methods of coffee preparation with pressure and explain how they work.

Portafilter machines - tradition and control

Portafilter machines are a popular choice for coffee lovers who want to customize their espresso. The first machine of this type was presented by Bezzera in Milan in 1906. However, the real breakthrough came with Achille Gaggia, who filed a patent in 1938 for a machine that forced water through the coffee grounds under high pressure.

The portafilter machine consists of a steam boiler, one or more brewing groups with a shower screen and the portafilter, which is filled with ground coffee. Extraction takes place at a pressure of 8 - 9 bar, creating an emulsion that produces the typical crema in the cup. This ensures a particularly intense aroma and a tasty espresso.

Traditional electra portafilter on table
Steam Boiler

Variants of the portafilter machines

  1. Manual piston machines: Here, the pressure is generated manually using a lever. These machines were widely used in the 1950s and 1960s and are considered one of the most traditional methods for preparing espresso. One example of this is the manual machine from Elektra with its historic design.
  2. Semi-automatic machines: The pressure is generated by an electric pump that is switched on and off manually. This allows the brewing process to be precisely controlled.
  3. Fully automatic machines: Here, the amount of water is controlled electronically so that the pump switches off automatically. This ensures consistent preparation.
  4. Multiboiler systems: These machines have independent brewing groups that can be heated individually. This allows you to set different temperatures for different types of coffee and thus achieve the optimum taste experience.

Fully automatic machines - convenience and consistently high quality

The fully automatic coffee machine was developed in the 1970s by Swiss engineer Arthur Schmed and significantly automated coffee preparation. The fully automatic machine takes care of all the steps: The grinding of the beans, the pressing of the coffee grounds, the extraction and the pouring of the coffee cake. The most important parameters, such as the amount of water, weight, grinding degree, pressure and flow temperature, are set in advance. This method makes for less effort when preparing coffee, but still offers consistent results.

Black&White4 CTS fully automatic coffee machine with steam lance
Finger operated display coffee machine

Super fully automatic machines - even more automation

Since the 1990s, there have been super fully automatic machines that go one step further. They have several integrated grinders for different types of coffee and can froth and add milk automatically. This makes them particularly practical in the catering industry, where quick coffee enjoyment and high quality are required. Super fully automatic machines also make it easy to prepare various coffee specialties at the touch of a button at home.

Thermoplan and fully automatic coffee machines

At Thermoplan, we are fully committed to the development and production of fully automatic coffee machines. For over 50 years, we have been gathering experience and expanding our know-how in order to continuously perfect our machines. In doing so, we are always in tune with the fast-moving requirements of the catering industry. Speed and flexibility are extremely important here, as dozens to several hundred coffee drinks have to be served every day. A fully automatic machine offers decisive advantages: It prepares coffee drinks of consistent quality at the touch of a button, without the need for trained staff. Coffee drinks with milk are particularly popular these days, especially cappuccinos. Whereas with a portafilter machine, the milk foam has to be prepared manually by experienced baristas, Thermoplans fully automatic machines produce perfect milk foam at the touch of a button. As a pioneer of innovative milk foam technology, we launched the first fully automatic coffee machine that could produce both hot and cold milk foam in 2006. This pioneering function has since been integrated into all our successor models, including our current Black&White4 series.

The Black&White4 machines are modularin design and can be flexibly adapted to the individual needs of our customers. They range from compact solutions for low daily requirements, such as the Black&White4 neo with a capacity of 20 to 100 cups per day, to high-performance machines such as the Black&White4, which is designed for up to 500 cups per day.

A particular highlight of the series is our latest model, the Black&White4 CTS. This combines the advantages of a fully automatic machine with the artisan barista feeling. Thanks to its integrated steam lance, the milk can be frothed both automatically and manually - depending on the operator's preference and expertise.

Black&White4 fully automatic coffee machines on black table with cup capacity per day
Thermoplan coffee cup with latte art heart on black table

Different advantages of portafilter and fully automatic machine

A fully automatic machine offers convenience and consistent results, while a portafilter machine allows more control over the individual preparation steps. While fully automatic machines impress with their quick and easy operation, others appreciate the traditional features of a portafilter machine. Both methods have their own strengths and can be ideal for different needs. While the coarser grind is often used with a hand filter or a French press, the portafilter machine uses very finely ground coffee grounds to extract the perfect espresso.

Why printing is so important

Regardless of whether you use a portafilter or a fully automatic machine - the right pressure is crucial for good coffee. It influences the extraction of the ground coffee and therefore the aroma and taste of the drink. While a pressure of 8 - 9 bar is ideal for an espresso, a French press or a hand filter does not require any pressure. Cold brew, which is prepared using the full immersion method, does not require pressure either, but a long extraction time. This method ensures a particularly mild and less acidic coffee experience.

Coffee mug under coffee machine with espresso
Cappuccino under spout


The choice between a portafilter and a fully automatic machine depends on individual preferences. If you want more control over the brewing process, you can experiment with a portafilter machine. For those who value convenience and speed, a fully automatic machine is the ideal solution. It is important to ensure even extraction, the right grind and optimum brewing pressure in order to get the full aroma from the beans. This is the best way to prepare coffee under pressure.

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